
When checking off your to-do list before the holidays, consider how to winterize your home. To help winterize your home, here's Warner Service’s handy checklist for HVAC and plumbing.

Invest in draft snakes and weather-stripping. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, drafts waste between 5 to 30 percent of residential energy. This causes faulty thermostat readings, causing you to waste more heat.

To save money, buy a draft snake from a local hardware store. For a do-it-yourself project, create a draft snake. Use a rolled-up bath towel or sew together fabric that’s as long as the bottom of the door. After that, fill the towel or fabric with sand or cat litter.

Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal any gaps in the windows, chimney, piping, and foundation. Finding and sealing these sneaky holes saves you money in the long run.

Change the air filter. It’s a simple chore that many homeowners forget, because they don’t see direct effects. Changing the air filter once per month reduces airborne allergens and pathogens. This subsequently reduces the risk for asthma and allergies.

Invest in an HEPA filter to remove up to 99.97 percent of debris and bacteria. Clean filters also distribute heat more evenly throughout your home and increases airflow in the ductwork. This can save you money on energy bills.

Run the fans clockwise. Because the fan blades move clockwise, it produces a warmer breeze than counterclockwise rotation. This cuts heating costs up to 10 percent without much effort.

Lower the temperature of the water heater. When the water heater is first installed, HVAC professionals turn its temperature to around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. It's a best practice for the heating industry.

Yet, many homes don’t need that much steam and pressure. This winter, turn down the water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce heating costs between 6 to 10 percent.

To be more environmentally friendly, contact an HVAC expert about installing a tankless water heater or going solar.

Schedule a check-up for the heating system. In order for the heating system to perform optimally this winter, it requires an annual check-up. A qualified HVAC technician inspects and performs routine maintenance on the heating system to ensure it’s optimal for low temperatures.

Lower the thermostat. For every degree you lower the thermostat this winter, you save between 1 and 3 percent on the monthly heating bill. If that’s too much to remember, consider a programmable thermostat for your home. These HVAC appliances work with the heating system, not against it. It saves money as easy as one-two-three degrees.

Insulate your home’s pipes. Insulating the pipes in your home means you pay less for hot water, and it’s less likely that the pipes will freeze.

Winter is fun, but a chilly home is never a great holiday surprise. To winterize your home for the holiday season, follow our handy tips above.

From insulating the windows, pipes, and doors to lowering the water heater and thermostat, your home should be winterize for this season.

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an HVAC or plumbing appointment, contact Warner Service. You can also subscribe to our blog. Click on the button below to get started:

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